Pahquioque Rod & Gun Club

Wooster Mountain Shooting Range, Danbury Connecticut
Established 1899
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Join us on Tuesdays for public trapshooting at Wooster Mountain Shooting Range!

            Open to the public on Tuesdays, year round, weather permitting from 10am until sunset or 7pm

           All are welcome - experienced and beginners

           Photo identification is required from all shooters

           All shooters under age eighteen must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.            Valid proof which verifies the parent-child relationship is required

           All first time shooters with us will receive a live-fire orientation/check-out from an            experienced instructor  which must begin no later than 1.5 hours prior to closing

           Shooters must provide their own:
                    Shotgun (Click Here to see shotguns that are allowed and not permitted)
                    Ammunition (target loads, 3 drams or less, no shot larger than #7.5)
                    Eye and hearing protection (mandatory)

                    Purchase of an Annual Pass ($50) is required for public shooting

                    Fees: Trap $7.00 per round of 25 targets, 5 Stand $8 /round
                    Junior shooters (under 18) shoot for $4 round- Trap & 5 Stand

We do not accept credit/debit cards or coins